Can Clear Braces Help Treat TMJ Disorder

Clear braces have been on the dental scene for several years now, and as well as helping treat millions of patients worldwide, they’ve gained widespread public attention. It’s a common enquiry we have here at our Nottingham dental practice.

Braces are no longer solely available in the traditional fixed metal style – clear braces have revolutionised the way orthodontists straighten teeth, using a series of plastic aligners to gently move teeth into their new positions. While some of our patients are familiar with clear brace benefits – discreet treatment, comfortable care, removable when eating – they’re not always in the know about their many oral health benefits. So, today, our orthodontists will shine some light on the topic of clear braces in Nottingham.

  1. Alignment of your smile with clear braces in Nottingham

While some of our patients have crowded teeth they’d like straightening for a more uniform smile, others have gaps between their teeth that make them feel self-conscious. Both of these problems can create oral health concerns. Too many spaces and food and bacteria can collect in them and build up over time; too much crowding and it can be difficult to effectively clean all surfaces of the teeth. With orthodontic treatment using clear braces, teeth can be much easier to take care of, which can reduce the risk of cavities, root canals and even extractions.

  1. Jaw pain and TMJ

These conditions can be linked to the ‘bite’ of the mouth, meaning how the teeth meet when closed. If the bite doesn’t evenly distribute the pressure of chewing and eating, it can lead to pain in certain areas of the jaw. This can also create headaches and other associated problems. And, in some cases, the muscles of the jaw can build up, which for some people can affect the appearance and shape of the face. Clear braces can correct the bite as well as straighten the teeth, helping treat these problems.

  1. Tooth and gum wear

Another oral health concern that clear braces in Nottingham can help treat (or possibly prevent) is wearing down teeth and gums. Certain types of ‘bite’ – such as an overbite (top teeth overlapping the bottom ones) or an underbite (the opposite) can rub on the structures of the mouth and cause pain, wear, and in the worst cases, the recession of the gums (which is a leading cause of tooth loss).

If you’re suffering from any of these concerns, our Nottingham orthodontists can help. Give us a call today and start your clear brace treatment journey.