Can Dental Implants Last A Lifetime?
If you’re curious about tooth implants and how they can help your smile, read on. Today, our top Nottingham dentists will share advice, information and more about this incredible restorative treatment, which is used in many cases of tooth loss in a variety of patients. Let’s get started!
What Are Tooth Implants?
They are false teeth that are permanently implanted into your mouth. They’re inserted through the gum and will fuse to your jawbone over time. Don’t worry – the process isn’t as painful or extreme as it sounds, and it’s successful in an overwhelming majority of cases (over 90%).
What Does The Dental Implants Process Involve?
A small incision is made in the gum, followed by a small hole. The abutment ‘’root’’ part of the tooth implant is then gently screwed into place. A temporary crown is fitted until healing has taken place, and then a porcelain crown ‘‘caps’’ it all off.
How Long Do Tooth Implants Last?
They can last a lifetime, provided:
– The tooth implant is successful (which is highly likely)
– You practice good oral hygiene (two minutes of dental care two times a day)
– You attend regular dental check-ups (your dentist will advise you on this)
What if The Crown Part is Damaged?
In many cases, a new crown can be created. If the abutment is damaged, you might need an entirely new dental implant. We’d suggest avoiding cracking nuts, eating hard sweets and chewing on ice to prevent damage to the crown.
Who Are Tooth Implants For?
Anyone who has experienced tooth loss, providing they have a good standard of oral health and aren’t experiencing any signs of gum disease or gum/jaw bone recession. To be completely confident, we’d recommend a consultation, to ensure it’s right for your unique situation.
Are Dental Implants Realistic?
They certainly are. Most people can’t tell them apart from natural teeth. That’s because they’re cleverly shaped, colour-matched and sized to your existing smile, and the gap in your mouth.
What if I Don’t Replace My Tooth?
The remaining teeth can shift and drift in the mouth, which can cause problems with eating, your bite, gappy smile and more.
What’s My Next Step?
To find out how we can help, book online or get in touch with our Nottingham practice for advice, information and appointments. We look forward to your consultation!