Clear Braces Dos and Dont’s

Considering clear braces? Already undergoing treatment with a popular brand, like Invisalign? Or are you curious to learn more about these braces and how they work? Then great news – you’ve come to the right place. Today, our dentists are on hand to explain clear braces in Nottingham and why they’re such a great choice for teeth straightening treatment. Learn more about them – and some great dos and don’ts tips – in our blog.

Clear Braces Nottingham Explained

If you’re wondering what these braces are, no more – clear braces are simply a way to straighten your smile by using removable acrylic trays, rather than traditional fixed metal wires. They’re popular among patients of all ages for their comfort, appearance and incredible results, and we’ve used them for years here at our Nottingham practice. Let’s look at some handy ‘dos’ when it comes to caring for them.

Do: Clean Regularly

You might think that braces don’t need cleaning, but to stay clear and free from all that nasty bacteria and plaque, you must regularly soak your clear braces (denture cleaner is fine) and rinse them whenever you remove or reinsert them.

Do: Use Your Case

Most types of brace will come with a storage case (whether included in your treatment or as a small extra). If you want to prevent loss and damage, it’s essential you stow them in the case when they’re out of your mouth.

Do: Wear Your Clear Braces Recommended

With a removable design, it’s tempting to take a break now and then from treatment. But, be warned: while you don’t need to wear them 24/7, you’ll need to wear them around 22 hours per day. Every time you snack, drink or eat a meal, you’ll be removing them – and it all adds up.

Don’t: Chew Gum

We’ve lost count of the amount of times gum has caused a problem with clear braces! Don’t do it – take them out if you must have a gum break! Gum can get stuck in all those crevices and grooves, not to mention the potential for breaking the clear brace while it’s in your mouth. As for chewing food, the same rules apply.

Don’t: Feel Disheartened if Results Are Slow

Like any teeth straightening treatment, clear braces take time to see results. That’s because each aligner is moving your teeth in such tiny amounts, reducing any discomfort along the way. It all adds up to a wonderful result, and if you’re feeling disheartened, why not take pictures during the process to track results?

That’s all we’ve got time for today, but we’ll be back in the future with more fantastic tips on caring for clear braces in Nottingham, and common mistakes to avoid. In the meantime, why not enquire about your clear brace treatment here in Nottingham?