Why You Should Have Clear Aligners

Today, our top Nottingham dentists are focusing on clear aligners. An alternative to fixed metal braces, they can straighten your smile without wires, brackets and elastics – and our Nottingham patients love them. Find out what clear aligners do, top brands, pros and cons, and manage your treatment. Ultimately, you’ll learn more about them and whether they could be suitable for your smile.

What is a Clear Brace?

Clear aligners are specially created for your smile, whether you’re just starting treatment, or coming to its end. That’s because you’ll actually cycle through a series of aligners as you go, with each making tiny adjustments to the positioning of your teeth. It’s these micro movements that ensure clear aligners are comfortable on your smile while keeping your treatment on track, one tweak at a time.

Why Should You Have Clear Aligners?

Lots of our patients lack confidence in their smiles, especially if they’re having braces or teeth straightening. But, having a clear brace makes your treatment much more discreet, and it’s for this reason they’re a popular choice among teenagers and adults. In other words, other people probably won’t even notice you have clear braces, and you’ll feel less self-conscious about your teeth.

What Benefits Do Clear Aligners Have?

Clear braces are a fantastic way to straighten your smile. They’re discreet, removable and easy to keep clean. You won’t have to deal with wires and brackets, and treatment is highly predictable. In fact, one of the leading names – Invisalign – has treated millions of patients all around the world with its Invisalign aligners.

What Drawbacks Do Clear Aligners Have?

Not only will you have to clean your teeth throughout your treatment, but you’ll need to clean your braces, too. You also won’t be able to eat or drink while wearing them (excluding water) because staining or damage could occur.

Who is Eligible For Clear Braces?

Clear aligners like Invisalign are a great option in most cases, but you’ll need a good level of oral health to undergo treatment, and certain apparatus or dental work (such as dental implants or bridges) might mean that they aren’t suitable. We’ll arrange a consultation in Nottingham to check whether Invisalign or an alternative is possible for treatment.

What’s Next?

You’ll need to talk to our team to book a clear brace or Invisalign consultation. Visit our website for up-to-date details and we’ll arrange an appointment around your schedule.